Monday, March 26, 2012

A Monster Calls

'A Monster Calls' was an amazing book. At first you get into the book and think that the monster is this evil creature out to get him, and maybe it could still be seen that way, but all the monster was was himself and his guilt and fear. (IF YOU READ FURTHER, IT'S A SPOILER) The main character, Connor O'Mally, was loosing his mother to cancer and although he of course wanted her to make it through the treatments, a part of him just wanted it to be over. And so he felt guilty and the monster inside him was teaching him how to get over his denial, self-absorbtion, and fear. In the end, his mother dies at 12:07 am, the same time the monster would always come to him, and the dark monster that had been plaguing his subconsciousness took his mother down, down, deep into the swirling abyss that is death. So all in all, 'A Monster Calls' was a great book and it really made me think about my own monster and how it is calling me in some similar ways that Connor was being called. If you want a horrifying book to scare the whits out of you, this is not your book, but if you would like to change things up for once and instead learn about morals, pain, and healing, then this book is your book. Enjoy reading!

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