Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Destined By: P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

My Review
I was indifferent while reading this book, due to the fact that the plot of the story is very repetitive, yet relatable. Destined is the ninth novel in the House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. This novel tells the story of Zoey Redbird and her best friend, Stevie Rae, as they struggle to keep calm among all of the chaos that Neferet, their High Priestess, is causing in their school. Stevie Rae has taken a former Raven Mocker, a creature of evil, in as her boyfriend, causing all sorts of chaos. His name is Rephaim. Zoey supports Stevie Rae and trusts that if she sees something good in him, he must not be so bad after all. In Destined, the storyline and overall plot of the novel is often repetitive and predictable when viewed with previous novels in this series, yet it is written in a way that is easy to read and it’s a relatable story.
Destined is the ninth novel that P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast wrote for this series and in each of the novels Zoey had some sort of relationship problem, she fought evil, someone either was hurt or killed, and then by the end of the novel Zoey and her friends teamed up together to fight the evil force and won. It’s the same basic plot every time and if they couldn’t come up with a different plot outline for all nine novels, then maybe the series should have ended a long time ago. Some repetition and predictability is fine, and I understand that it’s unavoidable sometimes. Yet after nine novels going through the same storyline with small variances here and there, it’s time to just stop writing this series. There is one other major flaw I have noticed in how these novels were laid out: whenever it seems like P.C. and Kristin Cast are trying to teach us a lesson, they have the characters flawing in that very issue. An example of this would be of all of the times when Rephaim and Stevie Rae are talking and Stevie Rae never truly believes Rephaim, even though the novel had just been trying to teach us that believing in your friends and trusting your partners is essential to bettering who you are.
P.C. and Kristin Cast wrote this book in a way that is easy to read, especially for young adults and teenagers. The way the characters think, speak, and act all are direct reflections on how teenagers are. There is enough immaturity to keep the characters relatable, yet not so much that the characters become obnoxious and the book gets tossed aside as a failed joke. The characters in Destined also provide a way for the reader to relate to them by experiencing the same issues young-people have to go through in reality. For example, Rephaim has to continuously prove to others that he is not an evil creature anymore. “Rephaim stared into Stevie Rae’s kind eyes, willing her to understand” (105). Even though Nyx, the Goddess they devote themselves to, forgave Rephaim for his past and gifted him with the form of a human boy at night in front of the House of Night school, people still doubt him and have suspicion that he will suddenly turn on them. This seems relatable to me because, let’s face it, we have all had someone not trust us for reasons we had no control over. Rephaim is one of those sympathetic characters in the book that you cannot help walking in the shoes of. The other good thing about how the characters were created in this series is the way that the characters aren’t made wiser than their suggested ages normally are, therefore allowing people to connect with the characters without feeling like they are trying to connect with someone completely fake and made up.
Destined has failed, in my opinion, to create an interesting read that will keep people hungry for the next page. A good book should be able to catch and keep my attention while it follows a clear plot that is written in a way that makes for a reasonably easy read. The story should also be a teacher to the readers. This novel did catch my attention in the beginning, however, after a few chapters my attention was easily lost. Too similar were the ideas in this novel compared to the previous novels in the House of Night series. Although a basic lesson was laid out for the reader to gain from this reading, the lesson was lost when the characters failed to stick to the idea. Basically, Destined had a poor storyline that is far too similar to the previous eight books P.C. and Kristin Cast wrote for the House of Night series, the lesson was lost, yet the characters kept me reading - although just barely. This book wasn’t good, but it did have some pros to go along with the cons I cannot look past; therefore, I will state my opinion of this book as one of indifference.

I Am Legend - Richard Matheson

Other Source's Reviews
Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incurable and man-made. Immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City and perhaps the world. For three years, Neville has faithfully sent out daily radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. But he is not alone. Mutant victims of the plague -- The Infected -- lurk in the shadows... watching Neville's every move... waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But he knows he is outnumbered... and quickly running out of time. Written by Warner Bros. Pictures
It is the year 2012. In the ruins of New York city. Robert Neville who is a military scientist who is the lone survivor of a biochemical disease which was supposed to cure cancer 3 years previous. With only blood thirsty zombies as his neighbors and his trusty dog, Samantha, Robert is trying to discover a cure for this disease and to find out any other people who might have also survived. Written by John Wiggins

My Review
The film and book, I Am Legend, caught my attention one day while I was channel-surfing on my TV. At first I missed the opening scene and I was lost, but after a brief moment at the computer, researching what the movie was about, I knew what I had missed. As the story carries Robert Neville, played by Will Smith in the movie, through countless nights of being alone and staying alive in a society of mutant victims. Personally, I do not know how he was even able to stay sane with only a dog to keep him company for such a long time, yet seeing that he does inspires me and makes me think about how I would be in this senerio. I pictured myself trying to research medical solutions to help save the mutant victims, staying alone night after night, finding food and using whatever was left behind to keep myself alive when I had to sleep at night. Then the movie lead Robert Neville down more tedious and testing roads, leaving him completely and utterly alone without even his dog after some mutant canines bit the dog, forcing Robert to kill it before it changed and bit him.
I could not fantum being in such a terrible situation, being so alone and still working on saving New York's mutant society in order to save the mutation from further spreading. Thus, allowing the New York civillians who were all forced to evacuate the city to someday return. The worst part, to me, was how Robert had to leave his family. He had to live every day not knowing how they were doing, knowing his child was growing and his wife was without him. It would drive me insane knowing I was missing my family and for what? Curing a disease that was trapped in New York and already contained from the rest of the world may be important, but I think Robert stayed because he would have wanted someone to cure him if he was bitten and made into a mutant victim.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Erin Hunter's Warrior Saga

I have long been obsessed with the Warrior Saga by Erin Hunter, and now I am choosing to re-read the entire saga and since I have a blog now, I will record how I felt about each and every book. I feel like it would be smart to warn you that these books are about cats that live in the forests behind a development and it explains how they fight to survive and try day-after-day to keep the peace between the four Clans of cats. The Clans are: 
  1. ThunderClan
  2. WindClan
  3. RiverClan
  4. ShadowClan
Oh, and they have a heaven-senario going on throughout the saga. All of the Clan cats believe that only warrior cats or cats that were in one of the Clans will go to StarClan. StarClan is like a cat version of our Heaven. The dead go up there and help guide those they left behind, they also provide prophecies and are the only reason all four Clans can even share the forest.
This is a map of the 'forest' where the four Clans live.
A cat from the 'twolegplace' (house cat / kittypet) named Rusty dreaming of hunting in the forest. His paws carry him into trouble when the Clans do not welcome him, even though he is not sure he would want to leave his home.
And so the story begins...

Friday, June 29, 2012

A Discovery Of Witches By: Deborah Harkness

When historian Diana Bishop opens a bewitched alchemical manuscript in Oxford’s Bodleian Library it represents an unwelcome intrusion of magic into her carefully ordinary life. Though descended from a long line of witches, she is determined to remain untouched by her family’s legacy. She banishes the manuscript to the stacks, but Diana finds it impossible to hold the world of magic at bay any longer.
For witches are not the only otherworldly creatures living alongside humans. There are also creative, destructive daemons and long-lived vampires who become interested in the witch’s discovery. They believe that the manuscript contains important clues about the past and the future, and want to know how Diana Bishop has been able to get her hands on the elusive volume.

Chief among the creatures who gather around Diana is vampire Matthew Clairmont, a geneticist with a passion for Darwin. Together, Diana and Matthew embark on a journey to understand the manuscript’s secrets. But the relationship that develops between the ages-old vampire and the spellbound witch threatens to unravel the fragile peace that has long existed between creatures and humans—and will certainly transform Diana’s world as well.
“Together we lifted our feet and stepped into the unknown.”

Look for Shadow of Night on 10 July 2012.

My Review:
I have not finished the book yet, but I am over halfway done with it. Last night I settled down in my bed around midnight, then I picked up my book because I always read before I fall asleep. Convinced that I would only read for half an hour or so, I dug in. Before long, I was in the story, living the life of Diana Bishop and struggling to deal with my two aunts who are worried about me because I used my magic - without trying - and opened a book called Ashmole 782. Daemons, Witches, and Vampires swarmed to the campus I was studying at because they were all interested in getting that book and learning from whatever secrets it withheld. However, I returned it to the library and they believe I, Diana Bishop, am the only one who can summon it back and open it. So now I have numerous Creatures following me around just as the college is about to start swarming with new students as they prepare for the upcoming year. As if that wasn't enough, now something is starting to grow between Matthew Clairmont and I, complicating the matters even more and getting my aunts even more on edge. A Discovery Of Witches is a wonderful book and I truly feel like I am living Diana Bishop's life sometimes, so I would like to say that I would recommend this book to anyone interested in mysery, romance, fantasy, and possible reality - or those that enjoy all of those options as they are marvelously spun into one fascinating tale that keeps you reading longer than you intended. In my case, I was up until nearly 3am, instead of just reading for half of an hour, I read for three hours and not once became bored. Actually, I will go return to my book now. Until later, read on!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

White Fang By: Jack London

White Fang, by Jack London, is a book my mother actually found at a garage sale many years ago. She thought maybe I would like to read it, and at first - I hated it. I was intrigued by the wolf on the front because I love animals, but the beginning of the book is a slow read for a twelve-year-old. So I dropped the book and shoved it away where I would never see it again any time soon. Then, last year, I came across the book again and gave it another shot.
Once again, the beginning of the book was hard to get through, but this time I refused to not finish the book. Once I had gotten past some of the historical information, the book got better as the dog sled leaders slowly went through the hard terrain. Many hardships faced the men and their dogs, including: a hungry wolf pack, death, hunger, and freezing temperatures. I will not give away what exactly happened, but I will let you know that one of the dogs from the team escaped into the wilderness and mated with a wolf. Thus began the story of White Fang.
White Fang was just a pup when his hard life began. He ended up with different owners that varied from kind-and-loving to cruel-and-unloving. White Fang ended up with an owner who turned him into a vicious killer - a pit dog forced to fight for money. Yet White Fang's true spirit could not be crushed so easily, and he tried his hard to learn kindness again with his latest owner. This owner tried to gain his trust and befriend him, even suffered bites and vicious growls without a flinch. Now the only question is this: Will White Fang learn kindness again, or will he die a fierce killer?
White Fang may not have been a book I would have originally recommended someone else read, but now that I have re-read it many times and been thrown into White Fang's life again and again. Now I believe that this book not only has a great message for readers, but it also has the story of friendship and loss that readers can connect to. The plot is very well thought through, the characters have deep thought put into them - tiny details that I didn't know could be placed into such a short read - and the story leaves mixed emotions along with a greater understanding that I am glad to have learned from this story. I would love to have others read this book, for once you truly give it a chance, you will not be disappointed.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dear Followers of Mine,

I am sorry that I have not blogged about my recent readings lately, but you should know that I am out of school for the summer now and should be able to return to posting soon. I will be reading "A Discovery of Witches" by Deborah Harkness next and I hope to be able to give a positive review. Don't give up on me just yet!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Remember Me By: Christopher Pike

Remember Me by Christopher Pike is a whopping 789 pages of Shari Cooper explaining how she died while trying to find who killed her. As a ghost, Shari is able to start seeing clearly - much more so than when she was alive - because now she needs not to worry about fitting in or being a certain way. Now she is able to look down on her life and those who helped her through every moment of it. She sees how many family issues were floating around without her noticing, she sees that her friends may have not been as loyal as they once seemed, and no longer is she just searching for the truth. Now Shari Cooper is out for revenge. As a whole, there were in-fact moments where I wanted to drop the book and start another, but then a new side to the mystery of Shari Cooper's death is revealed and I am drawn right back in, desperate to find out who killed her. The plot was very well thought out, a bit wordy and boring in places, but I believe that Christopher Pike intended it to be like such. So if you are looking for a book with a romantic twist, this may not be the book for you. If you want mystery that keeps the pages turning along with the little wheels in your brain, then, what are you waiting for? Dig in! I give this book a 3 1/2 star rating. Not incredible, but far from disappointing. Until a later date - READ ON!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Inheritance, by Christopher Paolini, is a breath-taking fourth to the Eragon series. Everyone is pushed to their limits as they grow closer and closer to Uru'baen, where Galbatorix awaites them with his dragon, Shruikan. I have only just begun reading Inheritance, but the book already has a strong hold on me, forcing me to read into the wee hours of the morning until my eyelids are too heavy to hold open any longer. Not once has Christopher Paolini failed to impress me. He has incredible skill at keeping you hooked throughout the whole Eragon series, and not once does it seem like he is lacking a good plot. If you are looking for a breath-taking, wondrous, ponderous, adventure-filled story filled to the brim with love so strong it could take down Galbatorix, friendships so beautiful you cannot hope they will grow to become more, and the dreams of a better future that not one living being can deny that they feel the same. Well, I conclude for now saying that you should give Christopher Paolini a chance and read his marvelous Eragon series; and until later - Read on!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Arcadia Awakens - Final Review

After reading Arcadia Awakens to its fullest, I now understand the plot and wish to read it again. Arcadia Awakens was filled with so many secrets, you couldn't put down the book. No one is who they at first seemed to be, friendships turn out to be more, and if you want a supernatural read, look no further. Panthers, Lions, and Snakes. Which one would you become? Once you read Kai Meyer's book, you will possibly think differently because with each animal form come responsibilities you may not want - ones that go back generations. So if you are trying to decide: Read it or Leave it? Don't put it down, it will not fail to meet your expectations. Until later - Read on!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Arcadia Awakens

At the beginning, this book has me rather confused. I'm not sure if you're suppose to be confused or what, but the introduction didn't really help me understand why she's taking people's possessions or why she is flying to see her family. It sounds as if she is poor, yet the stuff she takes she just throws down somewhere else just to cause trouble. So all-in-all, this book doesn't have much that I'm liking right now. Hopefully it gets better.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Monster Calls

'A Monster Calls' was an amazing book. At first you get into the book and think that the monster is this evil creature out to get him, and maybe it could still be seen that way, but all the monster was was himself and his guilt and fear. (IF YOU READ FURTHER, IT'S A SPOILER) The main character, Connor O'Mally, was loosing his mother to cancer and although he of course wanted her to make it through the treatments, a part of him just wanted it to be over. And so he felt guilty and the monster inside him was teaching him how to get over his denial, self-absorbtion, and fear. In the end, his mother dies at 12:07 am, the same time the monster would always come to him, and the dark monster that had been plaguing his subconsciousness took his mother down, down, deep into the swirling abyss that is death. So all in all, 'A Monster Calls' was a great book and it really made me think about my own monster and how it is calling me in some similar ways that Connor was being called. If you want a horrifying book to scare the whits out of you, this is not your book, but if you would like to change things up for once and instead learn about morals, pain, and healing, then this book is your book. Enjoy reading!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Brisinger - third in the Eragon series - is about Eragon, the human dragon rider, who is braving his way through Alagaesia with his loyal friend and dragon, Saphira. Unfortunatly, recent events have forced them apart and as Eragon hopes to rush the dwarfs along to find their new king or queen; Saphira is left back with the Varden, pretending that Eragon is still there while the elfs project an apparation of him whenever needed. Meanwhile, Roran, Eragon's cousin, is having some troubles of his own. Roran has recently married Katrina, and as he learns that she is pregnant and plans to leave the Varden in hopes of safely raising their child when it's born, he is forced apart from her for ever growing durrations of time while he strives to defeat Galbatorix's soldiers during missions the leader of the Varden, Nasuada, has sent her army on. All-in-all, Brisinger is a great read filled with mystery around every corner that keeps you reading until the wee-hours of the night.